Haggard “Completely Heterosexual” Now

Disgraced mega-minister Ted Haggard, who resigned as pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and as leader of a national evangelical group after it was revealed he had been blowing male sex worker Mike Jones for several years, has been pronounced “completely heterosexual” by Reverend Ted Ralph, one of a panel of ministers overseeing his three weeks of “intensive counseling.”

By: ANDY HUMM | Disgraced mega-minister Ted Haggard, who resigned as pastor of New Life Church in Colorado Springs and as leader of a national evangelical group after it was revealed he had been blowing male sex worker Mike Jones for several years, has been pronounced “completely heterosexual” by Reverend Ted Ralph, one of a panel of ministers overseeing his three weeks of “intensive counseling.”

“That's the quickest therapy I've ever heard of,” Jones told Blogactive.com. “It's hard for me to imagine someone who is performing oral sex and saying that he is 'straight.'”

While Haggard's overseers say that they have been assured that Jones was his only sex with a man and no others have come forward, Jones told the Web site that he knows of two other men who have had sex with Haggard, but are not revealing themselves for “fear of losing their jobs.”

Haggard himself spoke out this week, saying, “Jesus is putting me back together” and that he is “sorry for the things I've done.”

Matt Foreman of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force said, “Haggard should be seeking forgiveness for the way he used the Bible to bash gay people, the way he warped and damaged young people in his 'Jesus Camps,' the way he shamelessly mixed religion and politics for political gain, and for defaming Mike Jones.”

Jones is writing a book about his experience exposing Haggard, and for his research has visited his former trick's church where he was reportedly warmly greeted and thanked for what he did. “I believe God used you to correct us and I appreciate that,” associate pastor Rob Brendle told him.

Some observers believe that the Haggard scandal contributed to the Democratic victory in November by highlighting the hypocrisy of the religious right-though some supporters of the failed effort to enact a domestic partner referendum in Colorado even as voters there simultaneously approved an anti-gay marriage amendment say the last-minute hoopla about gay sex for pay hurt their efforts.
