HRC provides leadership

August 9, 2004

To the Editor:

After reading Andrew Miller’s “Notorious HRC” (July 29-August 4), I decided to communicate my thoughts and tell you what I want to see from our national organizations in terms of working together. I am sure that everyone who is a right-wing Christian is loving this stuff, as they know we are all from the same cookie cutter. It shows them we cannot have unity, when in fact, I have seen nothing but unity from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) here in Michigan. Every time we needed something for the Coalition For a Fair Michigan (CFM), we got support, money, and resources. I cannot think of a better way for a National Organization (N.O.) to conduct itself than as HRC is doing right now.

I would never expect someone from New York or California to understand exactly how we can fight the battle here in Michigan, step by step. I would expect the N.O. to inform us what other states are doing and what worked and didn’t work for them. This would allow us to review information and ideas and decide what works best for our state and demographics.

Yes, we are GLBT&I people, but we are all different. Some of us love the bars and social events, others of us are dedicated to making our community a better place to be and yet others have decided to be in a committed relationship or get married and in some cases, raise children. So if the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) has a one-size-fits-all approach, they are missing the macro picture of our community, the rainbow.

Let us unite. Let NGLTF and HRC bring to the states their ideas, best practices and, most of all, their support in helping the state organizations fight for their right to be equal.

This is a time to combine any and all resources, money, energy and talent towards our community in this country. We are not cookie cutter stereotypes and neither are NGLTF or HRC.

Kenn Bing

Mount Clemens, Michigan


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