Letters to the Editor


October 2, 2006

To the Editor:

I want to say how much I agree with Andy Humm’s piece on McGreevey (The Gay Governor Has No Clothes, by Andy Humm, Sep. 28-Oct. 4).

Though our ex-governor has now had exposure in virtually every media outlet except perhaps Table Tennis Review or Farm Price Supports Gazette, you won’t find his book reviewed in Out in Jersey. Mr. Humm has stated the case for us.

Toby Grace

Sr. Editor Out in Jersey

Via e-mail


October 2, 2006

To the Editor:

Thank you and Andy Humm for his article on McGreevey (The Gay Governor Has No Clothes, by Andy Humm, Sep. 28-Oct. 4).

The article reminded me very much of another celebrity who recently received undeserved adulation from the gay community—Tab Hunter.

Mr. Humm’s analysis articulates thoughts and feelings I had as I encountered an audience fawning over Tab Hunter at the 2006 North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival. His invitation to appear on stage and sell books at the festival was inappropriate for many of the same reasons that McGreevey deserves no special gratitude from LGBT people.

David Cooke

Raleigh, NC

Humm’s story on McGreevey can be found at http://www.gaycitynews.com/gcn_539/thegaygovernorhasno.html


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