Letters to the Editor


December 8, 2011

To the Editor:

I am not one to look the gift horse in the mouth, however, I am not one of those who’re out there giving Mrs. Clinton a standing ovation either, as many are now, for her recent speech at the UN for LGBT rights (“Administration One-Two Punch for Global Rights,” by Paul Schindler).

Not that I do not celebrate the content, but where was she when she was our US senator and we wanted gay marriage? And where was she when she ran as the senator from New York to be the US president?

Not in favor of marriage equality!

I feel Hillary is just a politician playing the right cards when it suits her for her own good to win the vote!

I am not fooled! And neither should any of us be.

If Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama — who also plays that same card game — feel so strongly about LGBT rights, then federal marriage equality and immigration equality should not be something we still need to pray for.

How ironic is it that Mr. Clinton (who got caught diddling in the Oval Office… with someone not his wife — remember?) signed DOMA and doomed us into being second-class citizens, but now feels regret for that action? Shame on them all, and in time, yes, pardons for all. But that is not stopping our loved binational spouses from being deported.

Reverend Glenn Kawalek


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