Outsports.com is reporting that John Amaechi, a former NBA star with teams in Cleveland, Orlando, and Utah, will be coming out as gay on ESPN's “Outside the Lines” show on Valentine's Day. The Web site got a hold of Amaechi's autobiography, “Man in the Middle,” which is to be released next week. It revealed that he had a male partner in Britain while playing in Europe and built up a gay circle of friends in Salt Lake City.
“Those grumpy social conservatives who continue to insist that gay life is lonely and unhappy have obviously never met my friends,” he wrote. He says that his sexuality became “an open secret,” but he was never asked about it by reporters.
He is the first player from the NBA to come out.
The owner of the Utah Jazz, Larry Miller, made headlines last year when he pulled “Brokeback Mountain” from his chain of movie theaters.
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